Tag: konsultan


INTERNAL AUDIT ISO 19011 : 2018 – Sistem manajemen dibuat untuk membantu organisasi mencapai tujuan mereka. Maka melaksanakan audit sistem manajemen merupakan suatu hal yang penting bagi organisasi. Standar internasional untuk audit sistem manajemen telah diterbitkan pada 2018 ini, menggantikan standar sebelumnya ISO 19011:2011. ISO 19011:2018 memberikan lebih banyak panduan daripada versi sebelumnya.

Standar sistem manajemen semakin populer seiring organisasi melihat bagaimana standar- standar ini dapat diterapkan untuk mengelola proses yang saling terkait dalam mencapai tujuan mereka. Daftar standar yang ditujukan untuk membantu organisasi menerapkan sistem manajemen yang efektif semakin panjang, mulai dari Standar Manajemen Mutu, Manajemen Energi, Keamanan Makanan, hingga Keselamatan Lalu lintas. ISO sendiri memiliki lebih dari 70 standar sistem manajemen, dibuat mengacu pada keahlian dan praktik terbaik secara internasional. Tujuannya adalah membantu organisasi memiliki kinerja lebih baik, menghemat uang dan mengembangkan keunggulan kompetitif.


Setelah mengikuti Training  Internal Audit ISO 19011, diharapkan peserta akan dapat memahami:

  1. Peserta mampu memahami Jenis Audit &Tujuan Audit ISO 19011 : 2018
  2. Peserta mampu memahami tugas dan tanggung Jawab Auditor & Lead auditor
  3. Peserta Mampu melakukan Internal Audit
  4. Peserta Mampu melakukan membuat Laporan Audit
  5. Peserta Mampu melakukan Tindak Lanjut Audit ISO


  • Pengenalan ISO 19011:2018
  • Pengertian dan Pemahaman audit
  • Perbedaan Utama ISO 19011:2011 VS ISO 19011:2018
  • Istilah dan definisi
  • Prinsip audit 8
  • Mengelola program audit
  • Membuat Program audit
  • Implementasi Program audit
  • Monitoring Program audit
  • Melaksanakan Audit ( Opening & Closing Meeting. Pengumpulan Bukti, Vervivikasi , dll)
  • kompetensi dan Evaluasi auditor
  • Menentukan Kompetensi auditor
  • Memilih Metode Evaluasi auditor yang Tepat
  • Melakukan Evaluasi auditor
  • Memelihara dan meningkatkan kompetensi auditor


Nur Ani SKM, MKKK & Tim

Waktu & Tempat 

Tanggal           : 22 sd 24 Agustus 2022

Waktu             : 08.00 s.d 16.00 WIB

Tempat            : Forriz Hotel, Yogyakarta

Fasilitas INTERNAL AUDIT ISO 19011 : 2018

  • Qualified instructor
  • Training Module
  • Certificate
  • Stationeries: NoteBook and Ballpoint
  • Training room with full AC facilities and multimedia
  • lunch and 2 coffeebreak every day of training

Informasi INTERNAL AUDIT ISO 19011 : 2018


Jl. Parangtritis, Km 6.5, Sewon, Bantul, Daerah Istimewa Yogyakarta 55188

Phone: (0274) 287 1 048

Fax: (0274) 414137

Web: www.bexcellentjogja.com

Rizki Satrio (Customer Relation officer)


Excellent Service for Excellent People

Phone          : 0813-2517-7427

Fax              : 0274 – 414 137

Email          : satrio@bexcellentjogja.com

Mobile / WA  : 0813-2517-7427



Deskripsi Pelatihan Asset Life Cycle Management

Asset life cycle management describes the best practices regarding life cycle decisions about assets. It explains how to develop life cycle plans for critical assets in terms of their expected economic life, mid -life overhaul plan, maintenance approach, suitability of the technology and life cycle costs. This process aims to realise and optimise the value of assets and assists asset managers in making repair/replace decisions.

Another focus area is the organisation’s whole asset portfolio. It considers the life cycle plans and replacement cycles of individual assets, as well as the demand forecast for products and services to optimise the composition and location of the asset portfolio. This process is supplemented by capital investment decisions based on the ROI of the proposed assets.

Once the capital projects for new assets have been approved, the asset acquisition process kicks off. The training covers the asset creation and acquisition process, in conjunction with the analytical systems engineering process. Old assets need to be disposed of in a structured way at the same time. The last step is to commission and hand over the new asset to Operations and Maintenance. This training course is aligned with the GFMAM’s 39 Subjects with a specific focus on the following subjects: demand analysis, capital investment decision – making, life cycle value realisation, asset creation and acquisition, systems engineering, asset decommissioning and disposal.

Materi Pelatihan Asset Life Cycle Management

  1. Introduction to Asset Life Cycle Management

Introduces the model and definitions of asset life cycle management.

  • The need for formal asset management
  • Definitions of an asset, an asset system and an asset portfolio
  • The model of asset life cycle management
  1. Capital Investment Decision-Making

Provides learners with the tools and techniques to make optimal investment decisions regarding new assets.

  • The challenger and defender concept
  • Equivalent annual cost comparisons
  • Return on investment calculations
  • Compiling a capital budget
  1. Life Cycle Costing

Provides learners with the financial tools and formulae to calculate the value and return on investment of assets.

  • Life cycle costing principles
  • The elements of LCC
  • Formulae for present value, future value and net present value
  • Examples and practical exercises
  1. Systems Engineering

Introduces learners to the principles and techniques of systems engineering to translate user requirements into detailed item specifications.

  • Systems and systems thinking
  • The systems engineering process
  • The format of user requirements
  • The format of item specifications
  • Integration and verification

Case studies and practical exercises

  1. Realising the Value of Assets

Explains the aspects to be considered to optimise the value of individual assets over their full life cycle.

  • Official terms and definitions
  • The format and content of an asset life cycle plan
  • The problem of ageing assets
  • Determining an asset’s economic life
  • Repair/Replace decisions
  1. Asset Creation and Acquisition

Provides learners with an overview of capital project management principles.

  • Official terms and definitions
  • Reducing risks during capital projects
  • Consideration of LCC during asset acquisition
  • Steps and best practices in the acquisition process
  • Asset installation and commissioning
  • Case studies and practical exercises
  1. Demand Analysis and Portfolio Management

Focuses on the process to optimise an organisation’s full asset portfolio based on the individual asset plans and the expected demand for products and services.

  • Official terms and definitions
  • Analysing the demand forecast against available capacity
  • The process of asset portfolio management
  • Case studies and practical exercises
  1. Asset Decommissioning and Disposal

This module deals with aspects to consider when disposing of old assets.

  • Official terms and definitions
  • Steps to dispose of redundant assets
  • Considerations and best practices

·       Examples and case studies

Peserta Pelatihan Asset Life Cycle Management

Pimpinan , Kepala Bagian dan Staf yang terlibat dalam pengelolaan aset , Eksekutif/Staf Profesional yang ingin mengetahui seluk-beluk aktiva/aset tetap, serta pemilik perusahaan yang mengelola sendiri perusahaannya atau eksekutif perusahaan yang terlibat dalam pengambilan keputusan manajemen.

Investasi Pelatihan Asset Life Cycle Management

Rp 5.500.000,- /participant (residential)

*special rate Rp 5.000.000 untuk pengirim 3 peserta dari 1 perusahaan yang sama

Pembayaran dapat dilakukan pada saat pelatihan atau dapat ditransfer melalui:

Bank Mandiri Cabang Yogyakarta Sudirman

No. Rek.  137-00-0735491-9


Fasilitas Pelatihan Asset Life Cycle Management

  1. Training Module
  2. Certificate
  3. Souvenir (pick one of the souvenirs on the list you like most)
  4. Training room with full AC facilities and multimedia
  5. Once lunch and twice coffee break per day
  6. Qualifed Instructor
  7. Transportation from airport/railway to hotel and from hotel to the training venue

Informasi Pelatihan Asset Life Cycle Management



Jl. Parangtritis Km. 6,5, Sewon, Bantul, Yogyakarta

Phone: (0274) 287 1 048

Fax: (0274) 414137

Web: www.bexcellentjogja.com

Nama              :  Satrio (Customer Relation Officer)

Phone / WA  : 0813 – 2517 – 7427

Email             :satrio@bexcellentjogja.com

