This course covers real-world bearing lubrication in a dynamic, skills-based learning approach. Upon course completion, students will have learned the skills needed to choose, apply and maintain lubricants in bearing applications plant wide.
Upon completion this course,
• Participant will be able to evaluate and select appropriate lubricants for a wide variety of rolling element bearing applications. For greased applications, this includes choosing an appropriate grease base, stiffness, base oil and additives, if needed, for proper operation.
• The participant will also be able to compute grease intervals and re lubrication amounts for a variety of application conditions, such as contamination, high or low temperatures and vibration.
• For oil lubricated applications, the participant will be able to choose the correct oil viscosity, delivery method (standing oil, circulating oil, air/oil, oil mist) and oil change out intervals.
• The participant will be to evaluate filter effectiveness, and to select and apply appropriate filter(s).
• The participant will be able to troubleshoot common lubrication problems and recommend corrective actions.

1. Lubrication fundamentals
• Functions of lubrication
• Basic expressions
• Lubricant additives and their effects
• Avoiding surface damage in bearings
2. Grease lubrication
• Grease functions and properties
• Grease delivery and metering systems
• Selection of grease type: choosing the right grade, base, and oil for you application
3. Oil lubrication
• Choosing the right lubricant: oil and grease quality standards and testing
• Effects of cleanliness and contamination
• Using bearings new life theory to predict effects of contamination
• Effects of water ingress
• Effective use of filtration, choosing the right filter
• Change out intervals
• Bearing housing design concepts
• Comparison of oil delivery methods: static, wick-feed, lifting rings, circulating oil, mist, air-oil, oil spot
• Determining oil flow rates
4. Applying lubricants
• Determining lubrication quantities and intervals
• Hands-on lubrication and lubrication procedures for pillow blocks, ball bearings, roller bearings, sealed and shielded bearings
• Electric Motor lubrication
5. Common error
Over greasing, under greasing, mixing greases
Upon completion this course,
• Participant will be able to evaluate and select appropriate lubricants for a wide variety of rolling element bearing applications. For greased applications, this includes choosing an appropriate grease base, stiffness, base oil and additives, if needed, for proper operation.
• The participant will also be able to compute grease intervals and re lubrication amounts for a variety of application conditions, such as contamination, high or low temperatures and vibration.
• For oil lubricated applications, the participant will be able to choose the correct oil viscosity, delivery method (standing oil, circulating oil, air/oil, oil mist) and oil change out intervals.
• The participant will be to evaluate filter effectiveness, and to select and apply appropriate filter(s).
• The participant will be able to troubleshoot common lubrication problems and recommend corrective actions.

Maintenance personnel and engineers responsible for bearing lubrication, lubricant specification and lubrication system planning and design.

Ir. Rini Dharmastiti, MSc. PhD.(Expert in bearing lubrication)

Tempat : Hotel berbintang di Yogyakarta ( Grand Aston/Ibis/ Phonix/ MM UGM )

1. Training Module
2. Training CD contains training material
3. Certificate
4. Stationeries: NoteBook and Ballpoint
5. Jacket or waistcoat or T-Shirt
6. Bag or backpackers
7. Training Photo
8. Training room with full AC facilities and multimedia
9. Once lunch and twice coffeebreak every day of training
10. Qualified instructor
11. Transportation for participants from hotel of participants to/from hotel of training

Biaya kursus: Rp. 6.500.000,- per peserta (Non Residential)
Rp. 6.000.000,- per peserta ( Pendaftaran 3 peserta dari 1 perusahaan)

Rizki Satrio

Perkenalkan, saya Satrio, Marketing Manager di Bexcellent Consultant. Bexcellent Consultant adalah lembaga terkemuka dalam pengembangan sumber daya manusia yang berdiri sejak 5 Oktober 2006 di Yogyakarta. Kami didirikan oleh tim muda yang profesional dan berpengalaman, dengan misi untuk memberikan solusi terbaik dalam meningkatkan kualitas SDM melalui berbagai layanan, seperti pelatihan publik, pelatihan in-house, pelatihan online dan outdoor. Selain itu, kami juga mengembangkan sistem manajemen SDM yang efektif, serta menyediakan tenaga ahli di bidang K3 dan sertifikasi dari Kemnaker & BNSP. Dengan komitmen pada pengembangan kompetensi dan keberlanjutan, Bexcellent Consultant siap mendampingi perusahaan Anda menuju kesuksesan yang berkelanjutan.

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