Tag: Pelatihan bexcellentjogja

Electrical & Mechanical Rotating Equipments

Most of plant’s equipments are rotary. Therefore, understanding the principles of rotating equipments is very essential. Identification of failure modes and monitoring methods of failure symptom are important as well, for establishing the most effective maintenance program.
This course begins with discussing the definition of rotating equipments, their types and their primary functions, as well as the general characteristics of rotating equipments in relation with their performance. Then, a detailed discussion on primary rotating equipments, namely pumps, compressors, turbines and fans/blowers, will be given. The discussion includes the classification for each type, the performance characteristics and the frequent failure modes. This course is closed with a procedure to conduct alignment of axles and predictive maintenance for rotating equipments.

1. Definition of Rotating Equipment, types, functions and general characteristics.
2. Pumps: classification, performance characteristics and frequent failure modes.
3. Compressors: classification, performance characteristics and frequent failure modes.
4. Turbines: classification, performance characteristics and frequent failure modes.
5. Fan/ Blowers: classification, performance characteristics and frequent failure modes.
6. Alignment of axles. Summary of rotating equipment’s failure modes.
7. Computer & numerical control for rotating equipment
8. Predictive maintenance for rotating equipments.
9. Method for test performance of the equipment
10. Equipment installation requirement Equipment log book
11. Operation manual & parts book Software for operation & maintenance

Engineers / Equipment’s Operators Maintenance / Workshop technicians Quality Control engineers. Process & Manufacturing / Engineer Other professional who wants to have a better understanding and take advantage from the course.

Ir. Y. Agus Jayatun, MT.

Tanggal :
Batch 1 : 04 s/d 06 Februari 2014
Batch 2 : 29 April s/d 01 Mei 2014
Batch 3 : 02 s/d 04 September 2014
Batch 4 : 04 s/d 06 November 2014
Waktu : 08.00 – 16.00 WIB
Tempat : Hotel berbintang di Yogyakarta ( Grand Aston*****/ Phoenix**** / Ibis***/ Ibis Style Hotel )

Presentation, Discussion, Case Study, Evaluation Pre test & Pos Test

1. Training Module
2. Training CD contains training material
3. Certificate
4. Stationeries: NoteBook and Ballpoint
5. Jacket or waistcoat or T-Shirt
6. Bag or backpackers
7. Training Photo
8. Training room with full AC facilities and multimedia
9. Once lunch and twice coffeebreak every day of training
10. Qualified instructor
11. Transportation for participants from hotel of participants to/from hotel of training

Biaya kursus: Rp. 6.000.000,- per peserta (Non Residential)
Rp. 5.500.000,- per peserta ( Pendaftaran 3 peserta dari 1 perusahaan)

Property Valuation

As every property is unique, the valuation of property presents many challenges and has a strong influence on the financial viability of both existing buildings and the development process. General models for valuing commercial property, industrial property and land will be introduced.

The goals of this course are to provide students with an introduction to the techniques employed when preparing a commercial investment based property valuation. It will also provide background knowledge to enable sound and prudent decisions when dealing with property

1. Course Introduction and Valuation Principals, Concepts & Definitions
2. Key Valuation Approaches & Methodology
3. Investment Valuation Models – Time Value Concepts
4. Investment Valuation Models – Capitalisation Approach & Discounted Cashflow
5. Test and Commercial Land Valuation – Key Methods & Influencing Factors
6. Commercial Land Valuation – main methods and contaminated land
7. Valuation of Investment Property – Key Factors (tenure, zoning, location
8. management, Leases & Building Measurement
9. Valuation of Investment Property
10. Workshop, Revision & Test
11. Valuation of an Industrial Property – Current Investment Market & Practical
12. examples including Mortgage/Lending criteria
13. Specialist Valuation Topics – Residual Land Valuation & Subdivisions
14. Specialist Valuation Topics – Rating Valuations & Summary of Course

Technician, Engineer, Supervisor (Civil and Mechanical) from any level.

Ir. Sentot Hardiwiyono, MT. Phd

Tanggal :

3 Days

10 – 12 Mar 2015
09 – 11 Jun 2015
15 – 17 Sep 2015
08 – 10 Dec 2015


Waktu : 08.00 – 16.00 WIB

Presentation, Discussion, Case Study, Evaluation Pre test & Pos Test

1. Training Module
2. Training CD contains training material
3. Certificate
4. Stationeries: NoteBook and Ballpoint
5. Jacket or waistcoat or T-Shirt
6. Bag or backpackers
7. Training Photo
8. Training room with full AC facilities and multimedia
9. Once lunch and twice coffeebreak every day of training
10. Qualified instructor
11. Transportation for participants from hotel of participants to/from hotel of training


Advanced Building Maintenance Management

Bangunan / gedung beserta fasilitas dan infrastruktur pendukung lainnya merupakan aset perusahaan yang harus dipertahankan dan dipelihara agar fungsi dan manfaatnya dapat dimanfaatkan dalam jangka panjang. Demi mencapai tujuan tersebut, maka perlu ada upaya system pengelolaan yang professional. Pengelolaan tersebut mencakup kebjakan-kebijakan bagi pengguna gedung (user) hingga penjadwalan perawatan dan instalasasi. Tanpa adanya pengelolaan dan pemeliharaan gedung yang baik dan terencana, tentu akan berimplikasi pada terganggunya kinerja perusahaan secara keseluruhan.
Agar pemeliharaan semua aset dimaksud dapat berjalan dengan baik, maka diperlukan suatu ketentuan atau prosedur pemeliharaan yang baku sebagai pedoman pemeliharaan yang harus diketahui untuk dapat dilaksanakan oleh semua pihak terkait.

Pelatihan ini bertujuan untuk meningkatkan kompetensi peserta terhadap pemahaman tentang berbagai aspek yang berkaitan dengan pengelolaan asset perusahaan secara efektif dan efisien. Selain itu peserta mampu mengimplentasikan tools dan perangkat kerja yang terkait dengan bidang tersebut.

1. Peran General Affairs dan Engineer dalam Pengelolaan Gedung
2. Prinsip Dasar Building Management
3. Ekonomi Teknik dan Penyusunan Anggaran dalam Pengelolaan Gedung
4. Manajemen Pemeliharaan Instalasi Gedung
• Sistem Kelistrikan Arus Kuat
• Sistem Kelistrikan Arus Lemah
• Design Building Civil Structure for Maintenance
• Fire Fighting Sistem dan VAC
5. Perangkat Kerja Perawatan Gedung
6. Manajemen Proyek
7. Safety Engineering
8. Preventive Maintenance & Total Productive Maintenance
9. Saving Energy
10. Value Engineering

Peserta yang diharapkan berpartisipasi dalam program ini adalah pengelola gedung (building manager) dan bagian pengelolaan aset perusahaan General Affair, para Maintenance Engineer, Teknisi dan Engineer bidang maintanance building.

Ir. Sentot Hardiwiyono, MT. Phd

Tanggal :
3 Days
13 – 15 Jan 2015
14 – 16 Apr 2015
01 – 03 Jul 2015
20 – 22 Oct 2015


Waktu : 08.00 – 16.00 WIB

Presentation, Discussion, Case Study, Evaluation Pre test & Pos Test

1. Training Module
2. Training CD contains training material
3. Certificate
4. Stationeries: NoteBook and Ballpoint
5. Jacket or waistcoat or T-Shirt
6. Bag or backpackers
7. Training Photo
8. Training room with full AC facilities and multimedia
9. Once lunch and twice coffeebreak every day of training
10. Qualified instructor
11. Transportation for participants from hotel of participants to/from hotel of training