Tag: Training Tender Evaluation

Tender Evaluation, Contract Management & Bidding Procedure

Proses tender / bidding yang meliputi: pembuatan dokumen tender, seleksi vendor, evaluasi sampai penetapan pemenang merupakan tahap yang cukup krusial, sebelum mulainya suatu hubungan kerja sama antara buyer dan vendor. Baik pihak buyer (panitia tender / tender commitee) maupun vendor, keduanya memerlukan pengetahuan yang memadai agar mampu melewati proses seleksi bisnis dengan sebaik-baiknya.

• Kerangka prosedur & proses pelelangan
• Prequalification of bidder
• Dokumen tender & TOR
• Pembuatan owner estimate
• Tender evaluation
• Selection & employment of consultants
• Vendor selection analysis
• Memilih metoda pembayaran yang tepat
• Ketentuan-ketentuan dan “constraint’ dalam pelelangan(tender)
• Effektivitas e – auction
• Tender negotiation
• Price escalation
• Perhitungan tingkat kandungan local
• Persyaratan & pemilihan system kontrak

Nurjihad, S.H, M.H.

Tender Commitee Personnel, Procurement / Logistic People, Legal Departement, Financial Departement

Presentation, Discussion, Case Study, Evaluation Pre test & Pos Test

• Batch 1  : 11-13 Februari 2014 Place : JGJ/BDG/JKT/BALI/SING/MAL
• Batch 2 : 6-8 Mei 2014 Place : JGJ/BDG/JKT/BALI/SING/MAL
• Batch 3 : 9-11 September 2014 Place : JGJ/BDG/JKT/BALI/SING/MAL
• Batch 4 : 11-13 November 2014 Place : JGJ/BDG/JKT/BALI/SING/MAL

1. Training Module (Hard and Soft copy (USB Flash Disk))
2. Certificate
3. Stationeries: NoteBook and Ballpoint
4. Souvenir (Jacket or waistcoat or T-Shirt)
5. Bag or backpackers
6. Training Photo
7. Training room with full AC facilities and multimedia
8. Once lunch and twice coffeebreak every day of training
9. Qualified instructor
10. Transportation for participants from hotel of participants to/from hotel of training (if minimal number of participants from one company is 4 persons)