Project Management With Ms Project 2007
Pengelolaan proyek konstruksi membutuhkan waktu yang panjang dan ketelitian yang tinggi. Pemanfaatan Microsoft Project 2007 merupakan salah satu penunjang yang membantu tugas pengelolaan sebuah proyek konstruksi sehingga menghasilkan suatu data yang akurat. Keunggulan Microsoft Project 2007 adalah kemampuannya menangani perencanaan suatu kegiatan, pengorganisasian dan pengendalian waktu serta biaya yang mengubah input data menjadi sebuah output data sesuai tujuannya. Pengelolaan Proyek Konstruksi Bangunan Gedung dengan Microsoft Project 2007 secara khusus ditujukan bagi para perencana dan praktisi yang ingin menerapkan Microsoft Project 2007 secara praktis, cepat dan aplikatif untuk mengelola proyek konstruksi bangunan gedung. Buku ini menyajikan berbagai teknik penerapan Microsoft Project 2007, mulai dari pembuatan rencana proyek, alokasi sumber daya yang tersedia, perencanaan biaya proyek, alokasi sumber daya yang tersedia, perencanaan biaya proyel, pembuatan rencana pergerakan proyek, hingga proses evaluasi terhadap proyek. Diharapkan pelatihan ini dapat memebantu para perencana proyek mengorganisir dan mengendalikan proyek konstruksi bangunan secara profesional.
1. Peserta paham tentang pentingnya peran quality control dalam pekerjaan pembangunan proyek
2. Meminimalkan terjadinya penyalahgunaan dan inkonsistensi dari proyek yang dikerjakan
3. Peserta mampu melakukan perencanaan yang matang terkait fungsi pengawasan, inspeksi dan monitoring pekerjaan.
1. Getting Started with Microsoft Office Project 2007
- Understanding the Nature of Projects
- Discovering Project 2007
- Understanding Project 2007 File Types
- Navigating the Project 2007 Interface
- Getting Help and Guidance
- Configuring Options
2. Creating and Defining Projects
- Creating and Saving Projects
- Defining Properties and Options
- Creating and Organizing the Task List
- Importing Data
- Modifying and Applying Calendars
- Setting Scheduling Options
3. Working with Estimates and Dependencies
- Entering Task Estimates
- Using A PERT Analysis to Estimate Task Duration
- Linking and Unlinking Tasks by Using the Gantt Chart View
- Linking and Unlinking Tasks by Using the Network Diagram View
- Adding Lag or Lead Time to a Linked Task
4. Working with Deadlines, Constraints, and Task Calendars
- Introducing Deadlines, Constraints, and Task Calendars
- Creating and Modifying Deadlines
- Creating and Modifying Constraints
- Creating and Modifying Task Calendars
- Identifying Critical Tasks
- Working with Task Driver
5. Working With Resources
- Introducing Resources, Assignments, and Budgeting
- Adding Resources to the Resource Sheet
- Creating and Modifying Resource Assignments
- Entering Project Budgets
6. Predicting Behavior by Using Task Types and the Scheduling Formula
- Using Task Types and the Scheduling Formula
- Changing Variables and Predicting Behavior
- Applying Task Types to Produce Predictable Behavior
- Special Situations with Effort-Driven Scheduling
7. Customizing and Formatting
- Formatting Screen Elements
- Creating and Modifying Templates
- Creating and Modifying Fields, Tables, and Formulas
- Creating and Modifying Filters and Groups
- Creating and Modifying Custom Views
8. Analyzing Resource Utilization
- Introducing Resource Utilization Concepts
- Viewing Resource Assignments, Allocation, and Utilization
- Managing Resource Availability
- Optimizing and Leveling Resource Assignments
9. Tracking Progress
- Working With Baselines
- Entering Duration Updates
- Entering Work Updates
- Entering Cost Updates
- Discovering Variances
- Troubleshooting and Getting Back on Track
10. Creating Reports
- Selecting, Editing, and Creating Basic Reports
- Configuring Print and Page Setup Options
- Setting Options to Correct Printing Issues
- Exporting Reporting Data
- Creating and Modifying Visual Reports
11. Managing Multiple Projects
- Introducing Management of Multiple Projects
- Creating Master Projects
- Creating Links Between Projects
- Calculating Single or Multiple Critical Paths
- Saving and Opening Multiple Projects
- Sharing Resources and Analyzing Resource Utilization Across Multiple Projects
Para staff pelaksana, Perencana dan Pengawas Pekerjaan Sipil
Akhmad Aminullah, Ir., M.T, Ph.D.
Tanggal :
3 Days
10 – 12 Feb 2015
11 – 13 May 2015
11 – 13 Aug 2015
10 – 12 Nov 2015
Waktu : 08.00 – 16.00 WIB
Presentation, Discussion, Case Study, Evaluation Pre test & Pos Test
1. Training Module
2. Training CD contains training material
3. Certificate
4. Stationeries: NoteBook and Ballpoint
5. Jacket or waistcoat or T-Shirt
6. Bag or backpackers
7. Training Photo
8. Training room with full AC facilities and multimedia
9. Once lunch and twice coffeebreak every day of training
10. Qualified instructor
11. Transportation for participants from hotel of participants to/from hotel of training